Tennis Cannon Tennis Ball Cannon -- Acceleration?

Tennis Ball Cannon -- Acceleration? - tennis cannon

I will create a tennis ball gun for my science class project. The ball must my rifle about 43 meters left / s - which is exactly twice the terminal velocity.

When the tip of the gun at, is what the initial acceleration immediately after the ball leaves my gun, and how it differs from the acceleration if the point of the weapon on the floor?

I understand that the Reynolds number is always> = 1x10 ^ 5 and everything is in turbulent flow.

Here's a video: ...


Al P said...

The well-known formula by
is given by:

F = C (V) * P * A * v ^ 2 = m * A_i

The drag coefficient of low speed
Tennis ball is C = 0.5. Since these
Value decreases turbulent flow, the
Less experience to draw ball. So
C = 0.5 / 2

Assuming the following data:
p = 1.29 kg / m ^ 3
v = 43 m / s
m = 0057 kg
r = 0.035 m
A = pi * r ^ 2

At the top, just outside the pipe:
ai = - (C * P * A * v ^ 2 / m) - g
AI =- 50J m / s ^ 2

Down just outside the tube:
C = (i * P * A * v ^ 2 / m) - g
AI = 30d m / s ^ 2


Scythian... said...

I see no answer for Alex? It was removed?

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