Headaches Everyday Everyday I Get Headaches That Last The Whole Day, How Come?

Everyday I get headaches that last the whole day, how come? - headaches everyday

I am 14 years old, 15 April 27, and I try to understand why I have headaches every day, all day long. I am sports all the time, I drink only water and milk have a normal blood pressure, everything is normal, says my doctor. I am a perfect weight for my height. I can not be what the cause of my headaches every day. Can anyone help?


JTyrant said...

Food and drink for me, but headaches can sometimes genetic and harder to control. Perhaps you have something to eat or do every day that makes your headache. It is as common as bread or unhealthy, like chocolate. (My father suffers from headaches that I suffer when I and jelly beans) to eat chocolate.

weightco... said...

Maybe you should have more water and a contribution of milk solids

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